I use my Glow and Grow form for two reasons: having the students set and meet goals by looking at their own work and filling in this form for my Parent/Teacher conferences.
Setting goals are very important; having this simple form is a great visual for students while they are goal setting.
During conferences I use this simple and easy sheet to express to my student’s guardian how their child is doing in school. I always start with a positive note and end with something their child could work on.
If you are interested in starting Student led conferences, this form is a great way to give your students some talking points during the meeting. They can fill it out themselves or have you complete it for you. Snag your copy of the Glow and Grow form here on my TPT site.
Low on time, this document comes with a half sheet option as well.
For other ways to have a successful Parent-Teacher conference check out my post on Proud Parent labels I have created. Super easy and the parents love it!
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