White Board Technology

White Board Technology

Touch technology (touch screen board, interactive white board)

Visit the Promethean Planet Website here.

(This website contains resource created by teachers for teachers. Sharing and supporting community. It is a place to connect, create change the classroom using flipcharts and making the classroom experience interactive.) This also can help teacher with professional development with sharing professionals.

ActivInspire is a software to access the interactive white board to use on desktops, websites, and flipcharts, etc.

  • Allows students to come up to the board and be interactive with their learning, such as a daily calendar or group organizer.
  • It basically a digital whiteboard that can be manipulated and changed by students, teachers, etc.
  • Motivation piece for students to use technology in the classroom.
  • Students with accommodations to access the technology can be motivated by the interactive piece


(A website that has some interactive resources for teachers to access and to use with their interactive white board. Even has tips on how to better access your interactive white board in the classroom.)
This is an assistive technology for students and can accommodate students with or without special needs in order for them to succeed and be able to meet grade level objective. Such as having larger next or more visual cues, etc. It can also help students with specific learning disabilities, such as ADHD and they need the standing up and move around.
It can be used by students independent from teachers, and the students can guide themselves with the activity and even be able to write thoughts and ideas on the board.
Other Links that give tips on how to implement instruction effectively on a interactive white board.




More teaching and less behavior management was what research concluded when students were using interactive white boards. Special education students were participating with peers in small and regular groups more and were more engaged. Teachers saw students meeting their IEP goals and objectives sooner than expected with the assistive technology.(Article via www.sc.edu)

(Amanda Soderberg and Casey Keyser 5/30/12)

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