Education is NOT a bottle of wine.

Education is NOT a bottle of wine.

I love TED talks, it is actually my dream one day to do a real life TED talk on Education. This dream comes from my passion of education and wanting change for the world.

Because of this… I watch A LOT of TED talks. I decided to share a few with you over the next few weeks and let you know my thoughts.

Today’s TED talk is from Geoffrey Canada. He has a powerful message called, Our failing schools. Enough is enough!

There is so much value in watching this TED talk. The first quote that stuck out at me is, “We can save them all.” As I go through the process of obtaining my Administrative degree (not wanting to be a Principal myself), I find myself wanting to be the change that my school district needs.

“We can save them all.”

-Geoffrey Canada

I am only in control (and not 100%) of my single classroom. However, I keep thinking that if I were Principal of a school, I would be able to help change more lives for the better. My journey and reach doesn’t need to stop at my classroom doors. As I grow and learn with my staff I could leave a lasting impression. As staff move to other schools and areas around the country, they can take some of that innovation with them. I ask myself, Why haven’t we fixed this? Why does America continue to do the same thing? What type of business is that? If we were any other business we would be a failing model. In most schools, we are failing. I can’t believe that after 56 year, most schools still look and act the same. Education is, “Not a bottle of wine. It doesn’t get better with age.” From a Principal’s standpoint, I want to embrace the crazy ideas, try new things and I want to focus on the problem in the beginning. 

We can make a difference. We need to throw out tests from the year before… it’s too late to use that data. We need to stand up for our kids and not subject our staff to the same sort of evaluations. How do we expect that of our students and we don’t do it ourselves? It is our job to have our teachers ask themselves, “Is what I did…correcting it?” We have to instill in them that they can’t confuse things not working with not trying new things. TRY NEW THINGS! We have to preach… that failure is the only way up. Remind them that no one stopped inventing. They kept trying, even if it was horrible the first time. Failure… doesn’t stop pushing science forward, why should it stop Education.

America can’t wait another 50 years, we need to help them prepare for OUR next generation.

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