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Sticking things to the wall
This is such a hard one! Depending on the school you are at, you are allowed to do and not do different things. I am at a brand new school and I don’t want to hurt the brand new paint so this is my best trick.
Grab yourself a roll of blue painters tape (I use this stuff for everything in my classroom) and a hot glue gun. My favorite is a wireless glue gun because you can move around the room to use it. Check out all of these Classroom MUST HAVES here on my Amazon store front.

Add the blue painters tape to the wall, apply a little bit of hot glue directly on top of the blue tape and then add a laminated sign or letter. It will stay up all school year and come down with no problems to your wall when you are ready. No more things falling off your walls in the middle of the night to set off the school alarm… that has happened to me.
No glare baby!
Matte spray paint is the miracle invention of the teacher world. I laminate EVERYTHING, my past teammates used to say I would laminate my toilet paper if I could (I wouldn’t to be clear lol). Since I laminate everything to last forever, I want them to be hung up for my students to see. But there is one problem, the GLARE! The students can’t see the poster or word wall because the sun’s glare is too bad. This has an easy fix!

Spray a little Matte Clear Enamel Spray on your laminated signs and BOOM, they don’t have a glare anymore. It lasts forever and allows your students to read anything hung on your walls. It is also a great tip for photographing your products with a light ring. My only suggestion is to never spray it while your item is still on the wall, take it outside and spray and then let it dry for a while before bringing it back into the school building.
Your Classroom Colors Unite!
I know when I am shopping for my classroom throughout the school year and summer, I want to make sure it matches the other colors I already have in there. This color palette website, is incredible! You can browse and pick your own brand colors if you don’t already have them but you can also find the HEX code for each of your colors to create your own palette. I make sure I have a few of my color palettes printed (and laminated, of course) and one saved on my phone (on the go) and my computer.

And of course, when in doubt of the color of any items. Buy it and spray paint it the color you want! I take my palette to the hardware store to pick of paint all the time!
BOOM… new stools!

Bonus Tip!
This has nothing to do with these favorite classroom hacks, however, it came up on our Live video last night so I will share how much I love my wireless (see a theme here, I don’t like to be stuck one place) door bell. I use it to get my students attention. It has 64 different ring tones and a volume control on the side. Simply plug it in and carry around the ringer bell. I have two tips, one add a little velcro and place it on the wall where you won’t loss it, or attach it to your lanyard using a plastic hand sanitizer holder. Grab yours here!

Thanks for reading, I hope to add more teacher tips and tricks soon! Don’t forget to check out all of these Classroom MUST HAVES here on my Amazon store front.
Live Funky, Casey
More on FWT! Check out my post on Calming Dismissal Video Ideas!
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Question… Have you ever tried using wet-erase markers on your laminated posters after spraying them with the matte spray? Thanks for your help!