Money Money Money: Integrating Financial Literacy Into Instruction

Money Money Money: Integrating Financial Literacy Into Instruction

I had the pleasure of presenting at conferences around the state of Maryland on Financial Literacy. I was selected to become a Master Teacher by the Maryland Department of Education and traveled around Maryland presenting on K-12 standards and resources.

At the 2015 College and Career Readiness Conferences we focused on Financial Literacy (FL) in two different session; K-5 and 6-12. I had the pleasure of presenting with other FL Master Teachers fro around the county.

In Washington County I presented with Kelly Butler from Somerset County Public Schools and Joe Fanning from Montgomery County Public Schools. They were two well knowledgeable teachers that I had a blast presenting with.

Then in Talbot County, I presented with the Maryland Financial Capability Award winner, Florance Falatko. She was wonderful and is such an advocate for the finances. I have learned so much from her and will apply her knowledge back in my classroom. Congratulation Flo!

I will work with Kelly Butler again in Charles County to present over the next few days. I look forward to learning more while I am facilitating these sessions.


A special thanks to Tiara Booker-Dwyer, the Career and Technology Education Specialist at Maryland State Department of Education and MSDE for providing the training materials and presentation for these conferences.

During the conferences we equipped the educators in various content areas with resources designed to support high-quality integration of financial literacy into course instruction. Together, we reviewed Financial Literacy Standards; explored resources that support integrated instruction; drew connections between Financial Literacy Standards and other College and Career Ready Standards (e.g. Common Core and College, Career and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies); reflected on how to implement resources in their school and/or school system; and created a plan to share session information with faculty at their school and/or school system.

Now more than ever there is need to foster financial literacy in students. A lack of financial knowledge promotes poor decision making leading students to accumulate unnecessary debt. An increase in debt creates a burden on society. Developing good financial habits is a process that must begin early and continuously be practiced throughout life. Ultimately, we want to make sure students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to make informed, financially responsible decision.

Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being. Financial education is the process by which people improve their understanding of financial products, services and concepts, so they are empowered to make informed choices, avoid pitfalls, know where to go for help and take other actions to improve their present and long-term financial well-being (2008 Annual Report to the President). Financial literacy the application of knowledge and skills and financial education is the process toward obtaining knowledge and skills.

There are six standards:

1. Make Informed, Financially Responsible Decisions

2. Relate Careers, Education and Income

3. Plan and Manage Money

4. Manage Credit and Debt

5. Create and Build Wealth

6. Manage Risks and Preserve Wealth

Organized by Gradebands: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Each year, the Maryland State Department of Education publish a report detailing the progress made with financial literacy education in Maryland. The report provides background information about financial literacy, grants and other funds that have been used to support financial literacy, data about financial literacy collected through the Maryland Pre-Graduate Survey, and descriptions of financial literacy implementation in school systems.


For more information please visit:

I made the following Symbaloo to house all the links we used for the conference. Please take a minute to look through it and check out some of the awesome resources.

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