A Wikipedia Article defines Instructional Design as “…the practice of maximizing the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction and other learning experiences.” In my grad class we spoke about all the careers that have Instructional designers and what their job entails. As an educator, the way I see instructional design being used in the classroom and school setting is not much different then the business world. My group came up with the jobs such as coaches and Verizon customer workers. We spoke about how coaches use the reviewing of plays to maximize opportunities for his/her team to learn and grow. We also spoke about how the coach is teaching the players to use the technology of the game plays shown on devices to optimize performance and train them how to use the program as well.
Then we talked about how Verizon customer service providers use scripts to help assess people over the phone during all hours of the day. Someone would have had scripted that manual to guide the Verizon representatives over the phone in order to maximize customer service. Each person needs to know how to solve the problem so they do not need to ask for others for help in the problem they are facing.
All businesses use instructional design one way or another. How does your company use instructional design? Do you train your staff on how to update technology tools or software in their building? Do you have someone to create a manual to ensure that all employees have the most up to date information?
When thinking about Instructional Design, think about your school and classroom. I think about all the instruction I put together to help my students become better at the things they are doing. I want to help my students focus on a specific learning objective and know what to block out. I need them to know that with all the information coming at them all the time, there is a way to only get your students the important information they need.
In focusing on Instructional Design, I came across a blog written by Tom called E-Learning Blogs. In a post on July 22nd, 2008 he wrote What Everyone Ought to Know About Instructional Design, see the post here. First watch this video, then read the article linked to hear Tom’s idea of what Instructional Design is and is not. I hope you enjoy the article, I did.