

BoomWriter is a website geared to help students publish their work; the tool is geared to 2nd to 12th grade. With the click of a button you can search and find your school or create a new profile for your school. This FREE website, BoomWriter is a great way to easily get your students writing stories collaboratively. You are able to easily add students to your account so that they have their each accounts and then easily add new students when needed. The only information you need for each student is there first and last name and their grade level. BoomWriter will help you generate the student’s username and then you can create a password for them. This will be how the student will log into their account each time.

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The website is full of “Story Starts” where you can see a great selection of first chapters that will spark your student’s imaginations. Once you find the story that catches your eye, all you have to do is click, ‘New Book’ and then let the students decide how to write the rest of the story.

If you want the students to start their own original stories, you can set up basic settings for the project such as the number of days you want your students to work, the minimum word count and how many chapters you would like them to type. As the students write, there are support tools to help them along. You can also control writing deadlines for certain chapters you want the students to write. That way you can set goals for each student.

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Once the students finish their writing, you can edit/review and approve their writing or tell them to work on specific goals to make their writing better.

The cool and new aspect of BoomWriting is that the students have the chance to VOTE on the nest story in their class. This will be done for each chapter as the students work. At the end of the process the winner has the opportunity to publish their work into a real printed book.


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